Earlier this week I received the devastating news that Michelle had passed away. I knew Michelle quite well in university and totally loved watching her heat up on the court. She was automatic when she came off the ball screen and had space to get her shot off with amazing accuracy! And, like her daughter, I couldn’t beat her at 21’s either!
I run a little blog about basketball in Newfoundland and one of the athletes chosen for inclusion was Michelle! Which would explain the notes I have used to tell her story…sadly, we had much more to discuss. Rest easy #5.
The rest of the words in this blog post are from Michelle. XoxoXo
Hi Ian! It is indeed me, the gal who wore #5 and played a bit of basketball with the Sea-
I can’t believe all that time has passed either, but given that I played from 1991-96. After getting your initial email, i checked out your blog and read a bunch of the ones there, which brought back fond memories of some of the ppl features there and others they lis
Believe it or not I went to Canada Games in Saskatoon in 1989, the same year Mark Elliott played for the NL men’s team. It was interesting to read the one you wrote on him and hearing the names Bruce Nowe, Mike Hou, Will Njoku brought my mind right back to those years.
I am not one for fanfare and never was. I just loved playing the game and the MUN gym days were amazing, and as you will recall the MUN gym was packed to the rafters! I’d be up for doing this with you, although I’ve tried to keep a low profile on my basketball success.
After PE graduation, I was accepted and ready to start the 1 year of education, as it had changed from a joint program and required an extra one full year of Education faculty work before you became a teacher. Bas Kavanagh contacted me in August 1997 to see if I was interested in an opportunity as Recreation Director in the Goulds. The Recreation Association was given responsibility to run the community recreation by the City of St John. I told him thanks, but no thanks as I’d been accepted to Education and planned to go that route to become a teacher. I don’t know how well you knew Bas, but he was like a dog with a bone and connected me again a couple if times over the next week, again ,
suggesting it would be a great experience and he had been in touch with the Education faculty would agreed to defer my acceptance for a year, so he said there would be no risk if I wanted to give it a try for a year. Bas coached me in Canada Games, so I trusted him and knew he would follow through on the Education deferral. Anyhow, so off I went in early September 1997 to work there. I was ther until 1999, as a job had come up @ MUN as Program Coordinator in School of PE, with the role responsible of for varsity athletics, physical activity/recreation programs offered(aerobics, weight room, swimming, etc) and intramurals. I applied and got it and started @ MUN in spring of 1999. I was working in my dream job and was back in the PE bldg I loved to be in. Many of the familiar faces were still in the bldg Frank Butler, Tols Chapman, Randy Coish, John O’Leary Frank O’Connor, Yvette Walton, Donna Vey, Janice Willis, Vera, Michelle, etc. In 2006 MUN created a full-time Director of Athletics and so I applied and got the job! Again living my dream job and best life!
Clock ahead to 2013 and the former Director of Sport and Recreation for the province retired, so a couple of ppl called and encouraged me to apply. I loved MUN and the job I had so wasn’t interested, but after a few more calls from ppl I applied, not knowing how things would go or if I’d even take it. Well here I am 10 years in that role and in the last stretch of my career.
Well that’s a long update, so sorry for that, but that gives a few deets on the road i’ve been on. I continue to uvolunteer to coach basketball and one of my former teammates Angela Torraville moved back to NL about 10 years ago and runs a basketball club progam NLBT as her full time gig. I have been helping her coaching on the girls side and have a daughter who is playing U16 now and just started grade 10. She plays many sports basketball, hockey, soccer, does a bit of running, etc so is getting much the same things I did out of sport. Anyhow, it has been quite a ride but certainly a fun path I’ve been on through bball. And as long as you can still beat your own child in 21s or 1-on-1 all is good! 🤣🤣
Anyhow connect back when ready and i can put together what you need. Thanks Ian or is it Ferg?!!
